On The Way

  Welcome to this new blogging venture of mine. In these days of widespread delusion, disillusionment and the trend for "deconstruction," it is always good to pause, take stock and, as the Psalmist said, "be still and know that I am God." Before the followers of Jesus, The Anointed One, got nicknamed "Christians" (or "Little Christs") by scoffers and mockers at Antioch, the emerging Judaeo/Greek movement (labelled as a sect, as Paul admitted - Acts 24:14) was known as "The Way." The first reference we have can be found in Acts 9: 1-2, "Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem." (See also  Acts 19:9; 22:4 and 24:14 & 22)

Jesus described himself as "The Way," so if life is a journey, then best that it be on the Way, many of us believe. Or, indeed, in the Way! If we are not disruptive, disturbing and different, and do not, to some degree or another, get in the way of the world and its destructive destiny, then we are not on the right path and have nothing by way of an alternative to propose, even less, preach.

A number of observers, commenting on the phenomenon of 'deconstruction,' have noted that many believers are now challenged as to whether or not to continue to identify themselves as "Christian" on account of the horrible baggage that name now carries and the images and implications associated with it. One suggestion that has gained some traction is the identifier, Wayfarer, and, because I like it, that is why I have thus entitled this blog. (There are other very good suggestions such as: Sojourner, Seeker, Disciple, Pilgrim, among others, and they are all excellent and significant indicators of the hearts and minds of those choosing to be identified in those ways.)

So, welcome fellow traveller and wayfarer on The Way. May we walk together in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and towards a New Jerusalem.


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