Occasional Prayers (4)


Intercession – Ascension Day 9/05/2024 St Peter’s Sheringham

Heavenly Father and Mother,

all glorious in mercy and grace,

hear us as we sit here,

 in the beauty of your presence,

and your accepting welcome,

 presenting our prayers and petitions

in the Name of Jesus,


 LORD Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Son of Man – God-Man,

Ascended and seated on the Throne of

The Universe,

Uniting Heaven and Earth

In Your One Glory –

Empower us through the Holy Spirit

To live in the fulness of

Your heavenly kingdom life -

As in heaven, so also on earth -

Today and unto the Age of Ages,




Risen and Ascended Christ,

Returned to the bosom of our Abba - Father,

We pray for the Church -

your Body and your Bride -

and for our archbishops, bishops,

priests and deacons,

and all those called to minister,

and to serve - ordained, lay or in other ways -

in equipping your church

to be ambassadors of your kingdom.

We pray that we may

Love and serve you as we love

And serve our friends, families, and fellowship,

Along with the wider community of Sheringham.

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.


  Ascended and reigning Prince of Peace

Our hearts cry out to you

For the vindication of the oppressed – and for peace

In Ukraine and Russia,

Gaza and Israel,

China, Hong Kong,

And North Korea;

For those in Sudan and Yemen,

And all arenas of conflict, poverty, injustice,

Famine, Earthquake, Fire and Flood,

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Yahweh Rapha – the I am Healer,

Have mercy on all those among and around us,

 known to us, or not,

Who are suffering in mind,

Body, or spirit – or all three;

Who are lonely, lost, afraid,

Incarcerated, intoxicated, or incapacitated,

May they discover how beloved they are in you,

And how deep is your everlasting love for them.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Comforter of our souls,

Draw near to those who mourn the passing of loved ones.

Please reassure them, and us, of your overcoming resurrection life

That is equally theirs as well as those they have lost,

And that we shall all be United

in the Resurrection Kingdom of our Lord Jesus the Christ.

Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.




