Occasional Prayers (2)

                           Intercession – 4th Sunday of Epiphany (28/01/23)

Let us come in the name of Jesus the Christ, and through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to present our praise, our pleas, and our petitions to our always-loving heavenly Father – Let us pray.

Papa God!

This is our fourth Sunday of Epiphanizing, LORD,

and, frankly, we might have got a bit lost!

But you are the God of Creation

who spoke Light into the Darkness,

and the Darkness had no idea what hit it!

But we do! Jesus, the Christ, your anointed son,

Our always Light,

our redeemer and our King – the One

who keeps us, the one who cares,

the Word, who is a lamp to our feet,

and the Light upon our path:

Jesus, who henceforth, identifies us

as the Light of the world!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Embolden us, then, this morning,

that we may not shun the opportunity

to shine! Strengthen weak knees,

equip feeble hands, and Lion-tame

our timid hearts,

that all around us may come to the brightness

 of our arising in Christ!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

ABBA Father,

As you spoke, long ago,

to the fathers through the prophets,

and, through various ways and means,

 building one truth upon another,

so, in our age you have authoritatively spoken

through your son,

The Prophet of prophets, promised way back

 at the beginning of our Bible and of our age.

He, who is the dazzling radiance of

Your splendour, the exact expression of

Your true nature, Your mirror-image,

and of whom we, now, are becoming the mirror-image –

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

inspire us this morning, as beloved

image-bearers of your divine nature

to overcome evil with good,

expose darkness with our light,

and shine as beacons of the kingdom of heaven.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Father in heaven,

May your name be praised, your

kingdom come, and your will be done

as in heaven, so also on earth,

and particularly, in the Church

which is simultaneously,

the Body, Bride and Beloved

of your Christ.

May judgement begin first with us, then.

For if not with us, with whom does the primary responsibility

of proclaiming, of practicing, and

of presenting

the gospel of healing, of wholeness

and of total reconciliation through Christ

 in the kingdom of heaven, lie?

Lord, have mercy and save all who minister

to, among, and on behalf of that Body, Bride, and Beloved:

be they archbishops or administrators,

bishops or bricklayers,

curates or cleaners,

deacons or dishwashers –

indeed, all of us who are, without exception,

  elected and equipped to serve

as ambassadors of your kingdom;

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.



We have celebrated the child born to us,

the son given and revealed as Light

 to the whole world,

upon whose shoulders would rest

 all government as

Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,

Eternal Father and Prince of Peace, of

whose governance and peace

 there will be no end,

we ask: When?

How long, O Lord? How long?

We do believe you - and believe in you – so, please help our disbelief.

In obedience and hope, then,

we pray for peace in all

the arenas of conflict – realised and rumoured -

that are dealing out death, destruction,

disease, displacement, dehumanisation, and despair.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Jehovah Rapha – God our Healer

Have mercy on all those among us,

or known to us,

who are suffering from

sickness of mind, body, or soul –

perhaps all three –

as well as those who are

addicted, incarcerated, hungry,

lonely, lost, and afraid,

including those we personally

 remember to you, now, for a moment…


And for those who mourn, to whom you

have promised comfort, and who

you reassure of resurrection life:

bless and protect them, and us,

and deal kindly and

graciously with us,

bestow your loving favour

upon us, and grant us all Shalom -

the wholeness of peace, faith,

hope and love in your extravagant grace.

Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour, Jesus Christ,





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